On April 7, 2024, Galfar Al Misnad Engineering & Contracting showed commitment to health as a fundamental human right. In a company-wide observance of World Health Day, under the global theme "My Health, My Right," Galfar showcased its dedication to the well-being of its employees through expansive awareness campaigns reaching across all project sites and facilities. 

In an impressive demonstration of engagement, 4,856 employees participated in offline events designed to reinforce health awareness at the grassroots level. In tandem, a select gathering of 122 employees joined an online forum featuring a keynote speech by the esteemed Dr. Aliya Fatima Hyderi, whose expertise explained the many facets of health as an intrinsic life priority. 

The virtual event unfolded with Galfar's HSE Manager, John Henry, setting an empowering tone in his opening remarks. The stage was then handed to Dr. Al Ameen Ashraf, Galfar's Senior Medical Officer, who introduced Dr. Fatima to the audience. Dr. Fatima's eloquence and insight highlighted the critical need for health awareness in the modern work environment. 

The Q&A segment addressed questions ranging from blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes to nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. It proved to be a dynamic exchange, demonstrating the event's success in encouraging an open dialogue on health concerns. 

The day's proceedings were drawn to a close with Navaneetha Shetty, Head of the QHSE department at Galfar, presenting Dr. Fatima with a certificate of appreciation. This gesture recognized her invaluable contribution to the event and symbolized Galfar's main initiative to engrain the value of health in the company ethos. 

Galfar Al Misnad's World Health Day event is more than a singular commemoration; it's a reaffirmation of the company's unyielding pledge to treat employees' health as a non-negotiable right, aligning with global movements to bring health equity to the forefront of corporate responsibility.