British safety council has honored Galfar Al Misnad and our Wajba Project team with Two international Safety awards for 2024.“Safety First is Safety always the corporate ethos that has paved way for G...
Galfar AL Misnad QHSE division on June 5th, 2024, organized a variety of activities aimed at raising environmental awareness and encouraging sustainable practices as a part of world Environmental Day....
Galfar al Misnad HSE division organized various interactive session online and onsite revolving around safety and health at work during a time where the phenomenon of changing climate is taking center...
On April 7, 2024, Galfar Al Misnad Engineering & Contracting showed commitment to health as a fundamental human right. In a company-wide observance of World Health Day, under the global theme "My ...
Galfar Toastmasters Club conducted a unique Meeting to honor veteran Galfar Toastmasters on the 28th of May 2024. These veteran Galfar toastmasters contributed to the overall success of the club for t...
Galfar has been recognized with three international safety awards along with the "Best in Country" title from the British Safety Council for the year 2023.
1.Galfar Al Misnad Engineering & Contra...
Galfar AL Misnad wins the RoSPA Health & Safety – Gold Award for the year 2023. Congratulations Team #GalfarAlMisnad for winning this prestigious Health & Safety award for the third consecutiv...
The Ministry of Labour in Qatar recognized Galfar Al Misnad's consistent efforts towards protecting the #healthandsafety of our employees in the work place at an event organized by the Ministry to obs...
At Galfar Al Misnad our women employees hold important positions at all levels of the organization. As women working in the construction industry, each lady is a living testament to the IWD2022 t...
Announcing one more prestigious safety accolade for Galfar Al Misnad! We have been conferred with the RoSPA Health & Safety – Silver Award 2021 for our performance & HSE initiatives taken...
Galfar Toastmasters Club has been awarded Toastmasters International’s Diamond Corporate Club Award.
This prestigious award was given in recognition of the Club’s outstanding support to Toastmaste...